Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness
Good conversation is one of the greatest virtues to acquire. It is better than wealth, beauty or talent and is highly indispensable in every walk of life. It is a dignified quality that softens the bumps in life and is badly needed for success. It is a constructive factor and a disciplinary force on which your efficiency and success depend. Good conversation is the flower of humanity, which penetrates its scent to the heart of even a cruel and wicked person. It is the best and most advanced weapon by which you can win any thing in any sphere.
Good conversation is a great asset of a child. Children are definitely not born with good conversation skill. When they are born, they are like blank slates on which their parents’ help to script the beginnings of the stories of their lives. As a matter of fact, their grown up style and surroundings lead them to behave in a gentle and subtle way or rudely. They follow the behavioural pattern, particularly of their parents, elders and other family members. Children blithely follow their parents’ attitude, day to day life style, general conversations, meetings, and works and even telephonic and cell phone conversations. Hence, your behavioural pattern, life style and family culture are reflected in your children’s thoughts, conversations and life. You have vital roles to play in making your children well behaved, polite, well-mannered and refined.
Ways to teach children polite conver- sation:- The following ways are recommended for parents, guardians and other family members for making their children good conversationalists.
1. Your child will learn good conversations if you exhibit them yourself. Hence, you must be good conversationalists.
2. Maintain peace and discipline at your home. Keep it free from anger, quarrel and loud voice argument.
3. Don’t make your home a gossiping centre, may be of your family members, relatives, neighbours, friends or any body else.
4. Make politeness, kindness, honesty, sacrifice, love and charity a part of your family culture.
5. Be persons of positive mind and throw away jealousy from your mind. Motivate your children to develop positive thinking in their mind and not to breed jealousy.
6. Children are generally fickle and do not possess patience for waiting for long hours. So don’t always make your child to wait for a long time for something.
7. When the child sometimes refuses your order, do not listen to you seriously in front of others or interrupts you while conversing with others, don’t hassle him. Make him aware about his faults and tell him not to commit that again.
8. Be a true devotee of the Almighty, pray Him daily with your children.