Dr. Dolgobinda Shastri


During the ancient Pre-Vedic and Vedic periods, student career generally  ended at the age of twenty four. After passing out,  some verses were prescribed which the students had to follow- “Dharmam Chara, Satyam Vada, Pitru Devo Bhava, Matru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava, Atithi Devo Bhavo”. The meaning of this verse is:- Practise righteous deeds. Speak the truth.  Worship your father as god, mother as god, guru or teacher as god, and guests as gods.

Father and mother or parents are the most venerable persons of the family. Five male members are considered as fathers and seven female members are considered as mothers. The five male members considered as fathers are :-    father,  elder brother,  father-in-law, teacher and mantradata or Guru. The seven  mothers are:  mother,  mother-in-law, motherland, mother Earth, wife of elder brother, Dhaimaa( the lady who takes care in absence of mother) and the wife of male teacher.

But it is a matter of shame and sorrow that in our present society, the school and college going children have no due respect for their elders. In most of the families, parents and others elderly family members have no control over their children. Even they are frightened by the  teenagers. Similar is the situation in schools. In the sacred temple of learning,  the children have no respect for their teachers like the gone days. Then, who are to be blamed. We, all are responsible for all these. It is our fault. If we are not of good character and possess no morality, then what lesson can we taught to our children. For wealth, status and power, most people in present society, whether men or women don’t hesitate at all to adopt any means-even the worse of the  worst. Then how can we make our children disciplined, well behaved and children of noble character. Now a  days  teaching is no longer a profession by choice or dedication to make perfect human beings, on the other hand it has become the last   resorts of dishonest, corrupted and useless fellows. So, how can these teachers without a noble character and spirit of sacrifice leave a good and ideal impact on children. If, proper steps are not taken in time, then the days are not so far when we have to pay a heavy price for it.