Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness
The word virtue originally means a good quality that humans practice. Virtues are the great standards which govern an individual’s behaviour, choices and ideologies. These are the traits considered to be morally excellent. Virtues are thus, esteemed as the characteristics of a noble human being.
What is the importance of noble virtues to a young adolescent? The majority of our teens and youth know very little about this question. The behaviour of children in our society proves that this question is hardly even a subject of importance. But only noble virtues can play dominant role in moulding the attitude and approaches of children in their life. Therefore, implanting these virtues in the minds of the children is vital. The noble virtues which are most necessary for children are the followings. Parents and teachers must instill these virtues in children.
Character:- Character is the set of qualities that make one who he is. It is the most valuable asset in ones life. Character is most important in student life. The lack of character promotes indiscipline, disrespect, addictive behaviour, violence and early sexual activity. Hence, it is the primary duty of both parents and teachers to impart character education to their children.
Discipline:- Discipline is that training of mind, which aims at producing orderliness, obedience, self-control and co-operation in life. It contains the rules or norms what one imposes on him, considering them as his duty to society, to nation or to the entire mankind. Disciplined students excel in their studies and are admired by all. The home is the nursery where children learn the lesson of discipline. Therefore, you must istill discipline of high order in your children.
Truth:- Truth basically means that one doesn’t tell lies. However, there is more than that. The best way to avoid telling lies is to never do anything that you are not comfortable telling people about. Don’t give yourself excuses for doing things that you believe are wrong. It is the duty of both parents and teachers to inspire children to tell the truth.
Courage:- The word courage basically means bravery. One is said be courageous when he fights for what he believes is right. Courage thus means doing what is right, or refusing to do what is wrong. When some one raises his voice against any injustice, partiality or odd situation, even when other people laugh at him and don’t support him, that is his courage. For children, courage is inevitable for achieving success. Parents and teachers should inspire children to be courageous.
Generosity:- Generosity is the act or the state of charitable behaviour to other people. It involves other values such as love, sympathy, compassion, benevolence, humanity etc. Generosity is considered to be one of the mighty virtues in all cultures. All most all anti-social, anti-national and anti-rational works are only due to the lack of generosity. Hence, it is the duty of parents to nourish the virtue of generosity in the heart of their children.
Punctuality:- Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. It is one of the greatest virtues to acquire. It is a constructive factor and necessary force on which ones efficiency and success depends. Punctual students are always one step ahead of others and achieve great success in life. So you should instil this habit in your children from their childhood.
Self-Confidence:- Self-confidence is that training of mind which increases one’s will power and makes him confident. It is a vital force in life and the true hallmark of a successful character. Particularly for students self-confidence is most necessary as it makes them enthusiastic and provides energy to study. Children having self-confidence enjoy their studies like playing their favourite games and always remain ahead of others securing good marks. Hence, it is your duty to increase the confidence level of your children.
Patience:- Patience is most necessary in life. Life is a battle field full of continuous struggle. Pain and pleasure, blame and glory, ups and downs and failure and success are part of this struggle. Hence, patience is most necessary to face it boldly and bravely. You should motivate your children to be patient in every situation.
Positive Thoughts:- Our thoughts have the power to develop us or to destroy us. Each thought builds or demolishes us in a subtle way. Hence, your children have to banish all negative thoughts of selfishness, greed, jealousy, hatred, violence, enmity and cruelty and fill their mind with positive and noble thoughts.
Honesty:- Honesty is the greatest virtue, the importance of which can not be over rated in any walk of life. An honest person enjoys a high value and lives in peace and prosperity. The corrupted persons live all through their lives in continual dread and end up in disgrace and punishment. Therefore, you should inspire your children to be the travellers of the honest path and raise their voice strongly against corruption.