Extra-curricular activities are the activities performed by students outside the realm of the normal curriculum of their school education. These activities exist at all levels of education, from Kindergarten to middle school, from high school to college education. Almost all the students are involved in some sort of extra-curricular activities-painting, reading, dance, music, sports and the list is endless.
Taking the time to get involved in extra-curricular activities benefit in a variety of ways. Participating in extra-curricular activities can serve as an outlet for stress and a way to build confidence and self-esteem. Not only they will provide pleasure in doing our favourite works, but at the same time they can also give opportunities to gain vital experience and skills that lead us on the path to bright and prosperous future.
Sincerity, determination, patience and hard work are the keys to success. One can easily achieve all these great qualities by involving himself in some extra-curricular activities. Students involved in extra-curricular activities are more likely to become hard workers, more willing to complete tasks, more willing to voice opinions, and more likely to excel in life. They become very confident, develop their will power and prepare themselves to accept any challenge. Hence, extra-curricular activities help us to gain experience in a variety of areas that will enhance your future. Management, responsibilities, teamwork, communication and organizational skills are all gained by extra-curricular activities.