Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness


Dear Children,

Mystery envelops the origin of life on this earth. Science has solved many problems and has done much to reveal the mysteries of nature, but the riddle of life still remains unsolved. No final answer has yet been found to the question as to how life came into this once lifeless earth. So, as the origin of life is covered with darkness, it’s essential feature is struggle. If there is any common element among all forms of life, rich, middle and poor, it is this             continuous struggle. Pain and pleasure, blame and glory, ups and downs and loss and gain are part of this struggle fill life.

Bright stars, the curse of struggle has alighted not only on man but the entire animate and inanimate creation. Think how the slender stream struggles with thousand obstacles on its onward course. What unseen fight is there between the tiny seed and the hard soil in order to come out as sapling! The survival of the fittest, which is the law of the nature, means a            continual struggle for existence. So in the life of man is seen the same struggle from cradle to the grave. The fetus in the mother’s womb grows by struggling with the adverse conditions and the cry of the newborn baby announces the beginning of fight with life. 

Dear friends, we all have diverse enemies to struggle with. First begins our lifelong struggle with the outward world. These are both favourable and unfavourable and you must be wise and strong to fight with the hostile forces and accept the good ones. Both food and poison are held out to you, it is for you to choose the one and rejects the other. When you grow up, there begins your struggle with yourselves-with the inner world of your passions and   prejudices. This period is your most dangerous enemy and it is difficult to conquer. So, it is your first and foremost duty to fight and conquer your internal foes of greed, avarice, anger and jealousy.

Again, if your social environment is not healthy and inimical to your growth and        development, you should fight strongly against that. How bitter can this struggle be, you will            triumph, if you stand firm. In the modern polluted and artificial society, you have to struggle against vested interest, against the innate selfishness, against avarice of powerful. There is undoubtedly more food and clothes in the world of today, yet people are dying of cold and hunger. Only you can solve these problems, if you will be ideal and responsible citizens of mother India.

Hence, all through life there is present this struggle. You have to face it boldly and bravely. If your mind is clear, heart is pure and way is proper; the almighty God is there to help you, to achieve victory over this struggle.