Generation Gap is a phenomenon not new to our time alone. Crabbed age and vibrant youth cannot live together. In each generation the young disregard the old and the old underrate the young. So, Generation Gap is actually the difference between the ebullience and edginess of youth at one hand and the vigilance and the prudence of old age at the other. Youth is full of life, vigour and energy and it is marked by adventure and boldness. On the contrary, the elderly people are always cautious, careful, calculating, tame and timid. Grey hair is associated with maturity and wisdom as the elders regard these as prerogative of age. But there are a large number of foolish old men who lack wisdom in spite of full of grey hair. Similarly, there are so many young people who, despite of their youth have developed intellect associated with maturity. All great adventure and explorations are the contribution of youth. So, it is wrong to think that all young men are hasty, reckless or misguided and all old men are wise, seasoned or perfect. Hence, like parallel lines, youth and old age will never converge to a single point. A healthy compromise between them is most essential. Youth should take the valuable advice of the elders and the old people should not restrict the young men from doing great deeds, though seem adventurous and dreadful.