Nutrition is the sum of processes by which an organism receives nutrients from its environment, and uses them for its vital activities. A child’s diet and nutrition is a growing concern. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs in the world, and often times parents struggle just to get their children to eat. Most parents assume that as long as their children eat something, it is fine to let them eat what they want. The wrong approach to food can give children mixed messages about proper nutrition and lead to serious problems later. Parents are solely responsible for children’s poor eating habits. Children today are eating an increasing amount of sweets, lollipops, crisps and refined carbohydrate food. They are targeted by advertisement after advertisement with bright colors and toys. Nutrition plays a very important role in our lives, it can help to extend or decrease our life span as well as define our degree of livelihood as we progress into old age. With our potential to live longer than ever before comes the urgent need to monitor and adjust the amounts, the types of food and supplements that we ingest into our bodies. Proper nutrition in our early years will not only lead to a learned commitment but will also lead to a lifetime habit toward a healthy extended life.