Modern gadgets have made us complete slaves to machines. There is no work which cannot be done without the assistance of machines and there is not a single area of human activity where machines don’t have to be used. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified our lives but also made them more comfortable and luxurious. But on the contrary man’s dependence on them has increased so much that we just cannot do without them at all. Without cars or bikes, we cannot reach our destinations. No cooking without LPG cylinder. What to talk of washing without washing machine. If electricity fails, life for each one of us comes to a standstill as all gadgets are operated with it be it AC, TV, computer, a telephone, or any other Modern appliance. Even we can’t ascend the stairs of our building without the elevator. Thus we can say that our dependence on modern gadgets has made us complete slaves to machines. This ‘slavery’ has made us pleasure-seeking ‘animals’ who care only for luxuries and comforts. In other words we can say that over dependence on machines has made us physically mentally lethargic and emotionally dead. If we want to relive ourselves and come out of this slavery we must resort to hard manual work and instill the spirit of strength and vitality in ourselves.