In recent times, the number of people owning mobile phones has increased dramatically. Now, mobile phones are not just for calling, but one can now text, take and send pictures, record videos, access the Internet, play games and much more. They have also become a lot cheaper. Thus, more and more young people including children now own a mobile. But should children be allowed to bring mobiles to school? The answer is simply, no. Mobile phones can cause a distraction in education. They can disturb teachers and students. For example, if you are working hard on a piece of work, concentrating hard, and a person’s phone rings, it disrupts the whole class. You may become side-tracked or the teacher may be interrupted during speaking to the class. Thus teaching would be constantly disrupted if this kept happening. Teachers, can keep cell phones with them in bags or pockets on vibration and do not answer it during classes. But students should not be entitled to the same privileges. Teachers are adults, and adults have privileges that children do not have. Parents should feel this and tell their children not to bring cell phones to school. Students can not keep the mobile phones like their teachers because the teen age temptation is too much for most students. It’s a constant battle to keep the phones out of sight with the ringer turned off. Phones have become major disruptions in most classrooms.