School life is one of the most important periods in the life of a person. It is the period of learning- training in all the aspects of life. During school life one gets training in all necessary fields like maintaining physical fitness, increasing mental power, understanding value of time. It is also in fact, a period when one learns the basic principles of behaviour, speech and manners. Hence school life is a period for the formation of character, mind and body in the proper way. But this important period of school life is very painful for some students. For them the warning of teachers, the strict attitudes of parents, regular attendance in schools and the school home tasks are very unhappy aspects of life. They feel, as they are birds inside the cage without having any freedom. They sought that they are deprived of enjoying their childhood. But, in reality, the school life is the most important of any other life. It is the foundation on which the huge building of human life is constructed. So, we should make our school life ideal, bright, glorious and colourful. I enjoy my school life a lot.