Recess period is the only period in the school which is greeted by the students with shouts of joy. They try to come out of the tiredness of continuous classes. They rush out of the class rooms and run in every direction. They enjoy the freedom of the launch break. They sit in small groups and open their lunch boxes. Within their core group, they share their Tiffin with gossip and small talk. After taking lunch, they wash their hands and play games. Some children do not waste their time in taking lunch and play continuously from the beginning of the break to its end. There are also some, who do not bring Tiffin boxes and shout near our school gate at the shopkeeper in front of our school for biscuit or cake or for something else. Some students spend this period in quarreling and fighting. I enjoy this period by eating my delicious Tiffin and talking with my friends. We also play different games inside our class room.