Civilization was born with water. It is said that life, at first was started in water. Hence, water is indeed the basis of life. Water has many vital roles in living organisms and life on earth is impossible without it. All the living things, plants, animals and human beings to survive on our planet Earth need water. 75% of the Earth is covered in water providing an environment for organisms to live in. Water makes up 70-95% of most body cells. Plants need water to grow and to make food through photosynthesis. All animals including humans need water to survive and grow. Water maintains the relatively constant temperatures within the body. Water as a universal solvent help plants to obtain mineral salts from soil and human in digestion of foods. Water’s ability to retain large amounts of heat is an essential property to ensure life on Earth. The vast bodies of water retain enormous amounts of heat during the day and release it at night into the air making warmer climates. Hence, water’s high specific heat regulates temperature on land and water to limits that allow life. Water dissolves oxygen because of which the organisms living in water respire. Hence, water is most important for the sustenance and growth of all living organism.