Health is a blessing. It is the priceless gift of mankind. It is the most important thing in life and is more valuable than all sorts of wealth. It is the constructive element of happiness because a sick-man is never happy. Health is a unique possession for the whole of life and it makes life worth living. Hence, ‘Health is Wealth’, though an old proverb, still has a deep significance. In every field of life the great men of the world possessed sound physical and mental health. A healthy man thus finds his life interesting, meaningful, bright and worth living. A healthy man is not only a great asset to himself but also to the nation. Only healthy and able-bodied men are capable of bringing great glory to a nation in the fields of science and technology, research, administration, games and sports. Without proper health, life becomes just a burden. Health, for students it is most desirable as it brings outstanding result in their studies. All these clarify that health is wealth, its glamour undoubtedly is very great and its services are valuable.