Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness


                    Our nation today is passing through a terrible crisis of character; the ancient Indian edifice of moral and spiritual values is crumbling to pieces. Everywhere corruption is rampant and there is hardly any sphere of our life - social, political, economic and religious that has remained untouched by it. Even the sanctimonious educational institutions have now become centres of rampant corruption. Meritorious students are often the scapegoats of this social malady.  Ideal, talented and honest teachers have become suffering souls thrown into dark recesses.

          My dear innocent friends, corruption is a deep-rooted social menace that has eaten into the vitals of India’s social and public life. It has distorted all moral values and made truth, honesty, virtue, sincerity and sacrifice meaningless like old furniture. Few decades ago, for one to be branded with the epithet ‘corrupt, was very disgraceful and repulsive. Unfortunately, today doing corruption without shame and ethics has become a unique art or super talent. But remember, it is a serious evil.

          Future stars, honesty is the greatest virtue, the importance of which cannot be over rated in any walk of life. An honest person enjoys a high value and lives in peace and prosperity. It is a fact that the person who is very honest and does not allow others to do evil deeds, his life is made miserable by his own dishonest boss, colleagues and relatives. Anybody is not at all generous even in rewarding him where he deserves the reward. But it is true that those who show such great quality of honesty do not expect anything in return.

  Nice Guys, you should remember that the corrupted persons live all through their lives in continual dread. They may suddenly make themselves rich or powerful by dishonest means. But the wealth and position so obtained are rapidly squandered. To rein these is likely to have new acts of dishonesty. Success in the initial stages only tempts them to more recklessness and fraud on a larger scale. But they end up in disgrace and punishment. Therefore, you all should be the travellers of the honest path and raise your voice strongly against corruption. You all must do a bit of serious introspection and make sincere efforts to develop a consciousness of moral and social responsibility. You all should pave the way for a good and honest life of equality, justice and impartiality and it will drive away the dragon of corruption from the society.