The apple is the most popular fruit of the world. It occupies an important position among the best fruits of the world. The leading apple producing countries of the world are the Unites States, United Kingdom, Western and Eastern European countries, Japan, Australia. Apple is also a popular fruit of  India.

Apple is one of the initial fruits planted by man. It probably originated in south-eastern Europe and south-western Asia. Over 2,000 years ago, different species of apple were already cultivated in Europe. In ancient Rome, the inhabitants enjoyed seven different species of apples. During 14th century good quality desert apples were discovered in France. They had a red peel and became popular as Pippins. Up to the 17th century two main species of apples called Costards and Codlins were grown in the United Kingdom.

There are enough species of apples which are cultivated at different places of the world. In the United Kingdom alone, more than 2,000 species of apples have been observed. These species are obtained by a great deal of experiments carried out by apple growers. When a bud or twig of any species  of apple is grafted on to any kind of young apple tree, the mature tree produces apples of the same variety as the graft. In 1830, Mr. Cox of Slough, France produced his famous Cox’s orange Pippin. Another famous apple, the Worcester Pearmain , was discovered in 1873 by Mr. Hale of Worcester. Now in the UK only about 20 varieties of apples are cultivated for commercial purposes.

The development of apple cultivation in India reached a more advance state only in the middle of 18th century.           It is now cultivated as a commercial crop in the hilly areas of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka state, and  the Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu. A number of verities of apples, differing in shape, size, colour, and taste are grown in India. Some of the popular varieties are the Ambri,  Red delicious, Golden delicious, Irish peach, Sunhari, Lal Ambri, Newton wonder, Kashmir Ambri etc. The Kashmir Ambri is the most popular and tastier of all varieties of apples.

The apple trees grow upto a height of 14 metres. The Indian apple trees grow wild at an altitude of 1800 to 3000 metres. Some apples also grow in  a temperature as low as - 12 degree Celsius and require an annual rainfall of 60-70 cm. Apple fruits are collected in the months of October and November.

Apple is a highly nutritive fruit. It contains minerals and vitamins in abundance. The apple fruit is a rich source of vitamin A, B, and C.  Apple is also a good source of protein, acids and fat. Besides this, ripe apples have sucrose, glucose and fructose as main carbohydrates.  The food value of the apple is mainly constituted by its contents of sugar.  Of this, fruit sugar constitutes 60 percent, glucose  25 percent and cane sugar 15 percent.

The vitamins and organic salts are concentrated particularly in and just below the skin of the apple. The skin and the flesh below it contains more vitamin C than the inner flesh. The skin also contains 5 times more vitamin A than the flesh. Hence, the skin of the apple must not be thrown away and the fruit should be eaten without removing the skin.

Apple has an active medicinal value called pectin (substance used in the making of jams and jellies),  which is a natural therapeutic ingredient found in the inner portion of the rind and the pulp. Apples being rich in iron and phosphorus are highly beneficial in the treatment of anemia. Raw apples are good for constipation. Cooked or baked apples are good for diarrhea. Apples are also useful in acute and chronic dysentery among children. Shredded apple, mixed with honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds functions as an excellent stomach tonic and appetizer. Sweet apples are very valuable in dry cough. Regular consumption of apple can prevent tooth decay.

Apple relieves physical heaviness and mental strain. As apples are rich in potassium and phosphorus, and low in sodium, these  are of special value to heart patients. Eating of apples causes increased secretion of urine and thus brings down blood pressure to normal. The sodium level in our tissues are  also reduced because of the high level of potassium in apples. Apples are also regarded as best food medicine for gout, arthritis and rheumatism. These diseases  caused by uric acid  poisoning, are reduced as the malic acid contained in apples neutralizes the uric acid.

The apple peel water is an excellent medicine for the inflamed eyes. The overripe apple is also useful as a poultice for sore eyes. The root-bark of the apple tree destroys parasitic worms and brings sound sleep. An antibacterial substance, named phloretin is also isolated from apple leaves.

Apples are in large demand as a table fruit. These are eaten raw and also canned. Apples with high acid contents are used in the kitchen or in cookery.  Apple juice is used for the preparation of cider, an alcoholic drink and vinegar, a sour liquid used in preparing food. The other chief products of apple are apple jam, apple juice, apple syrup, apple wine, apple butter, apple brandy, etc.

Apples is therefore, the most nutritive fruit. It tones up the body and the brain. The saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” sums up the curative and nourishing value of the fruit.