Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness
Dear Children,
Teaching is like no other profession. A teacher wears many hats. He assumes in carrying out his duties, be a communicator, a disciplinarian, a conveyor of information, an evaluator, a classroom manager, a counselor, a member of many teams and groups, a decision-maker, a role-model, and a surrogate parent. Each of these roles requires ability, good mentality and skills that are often not taught. Not all who become teachers possess all these noble and great qualities or invest their time and resources in learning all these, if they do not have the appropriate temperament, skills, and personality.
Bright Stars, most of you must have some great teachers in your lives who somehow resonate with you and who change the way that you look at yourselves and the world. They must be awakening you from the deep sleep you did not know you were in. Hence, a teacher is a mentor and friend changing the course of your life through the things you learn in his classes and from his own example. But many teachers say, “We can accept good students, those who behave and do good work, but we can’t accept those who do not study, who have the wrong attitude and who cause us trouble.” They forget that it is the acceptance of all that gives power to the teacher. In fact, it is in relation to students who are wayward that the teacher’s true qualities are demonstrated.
Friends, a teacher is the bedrock of the proper growth and education of a human being and hence a good prosperous world. A true teacher is rich without money, is to be reckoned not in terms of bank balance, but in the bounteous love and loyalty he has evoked in his pupils. A true teacher is, without doubt, an emperor whose empire is carved in the grateful minds of his students which no pioneer on earth can shake. True teachers give their best to their profession and their true passion is to teach, convey and share knowledge. If a teacher fails in his aim, the result is chaotic for the life of children who will grow up to be the adult of tomorrow. Hence, the teacher whose soul is wrinkled and whose heart is atrophied is surely someone who is devoid of right-temperament, enthusiasm and energy. The teacher who simply guides his own interest and plays nasty games is a disgrace to the profession and an abuse and lack of respect to the society, his pupils and himself. Just take few moments and think about it! Follow them who practice goodness in their deeds, not them who only show goodness in their artificial flattering speeches.