Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness


Dear Children,

Confidence is a great quality in life. It is most indispensable for all human beings in every walk of life. It is the true hallmark of a triumphant character. It makes life vigorous, vivid and affluent. Columbus laid the road to America from Europe, Tensing Norgay and Edmund Hilary reached the top of Mount Everest,  Neil Armstrong set his foot on the moon;  it was their confidence that led them to victory. Hence, confidence is a precious asset. It is a vital force in life. Life without it is like a ship without radar. Particularly for you it is most needed as it provides you energy to study and makes you enthusiastic. Children having self-confidence enjoy their studies like playing their favourite games. They always remain ahead of others and secure good marks.

Bright Stars, sometimes some of you become very overconfident. While confidence is considered as a great advantage, overconfidence is measured as very harmful. It is said to be full of many pitfalls. But overconfidence sometimes plays vital roles in attaining greater success. ‘Off believing you’re better than you are, may help you succeed’, a new study by psychologists at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland says. Experts have suggested that overconfidence can be a good thing as it boosts ambition and creates self-fulfilling prophecies.

Nice Guys, overconfidence is thus, not such a bad thing, as it is considered.  Sometimes it can be prove beneficial. In some situations, overconfidence is most looked-for to meet challenges or win conflicts. Overconfidence actually beats accurate assessments in a wide variety of situations, be it study, sport, business or even war.

Friends, overconfidence frequently brings rewards. People with a bullish mentality presumably would have left more descendants than those with more of a reserved perspective. When we face unfamiliar enemies or new technologies, overconfidence becomes an even better strategy. Take the example of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. It was Jobs’ overconfidence that brought digital animation and iDevices providing him a place in history, in the sphere of electronics design for ever. Overconfidence, thus plausibly evolve in a wide range of environments. It is a perfect survival and winning strategy. Overconfidence is the greatest shield in the face of high levels of uncertainty and risk. Hence, sometimes you all must be overconfident in order to attain greater success.