Have you ever wondered how long an animal of a given species is expected to live? Well this will provide you with a list of animals with their average life spans. Some animals’ life span might seem very short while others are reasonable long when compared to other animal species.
Animals Life Span (Years)
Alligator 68
Ant (Queen) 3
Ant (Worker) 1/2
Asian elephant 40
Bat 24
Bear 40
Bee (Queen) 5
Bee (Worker) 1
Bison 30
Box Turtle 123
Bull 28
Camel 50
Cat 25
Chicken 15
Chimpanzee 40
Cobra 28
Cow 22
Crocodile 45
Deer 35
Dog, large 10
Dog 22
Domestic Pigeon 26
Donkey 45
Eagle 55
Elephant 70
Fox 14
Goat 15
Gorilla 20
Hippopotamus 45
Horse 40
House Mouse 4
Kangaroo 9
Leopard 17
Lion 35
Mouse 4
Ox 20
Parrot 80
Pig (wild) 25
Pigeon 11
Polar bear 20
Rabbit 9
Sheep 15
Squirrel 16
Tiger 22
Toad 36
Wolf 18