Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness


Dear Children,

Our thoughts have the power to develop us or to destroy us. Our character is largely the result of the kind of thoughts held in our mind. Each thought builds or demolishes us in a subtle way. It is the innumerable little thoughts that eventually add up to success or failure, happiness or misery. Hence, we all have to shun and banish all negative thoughts of selfishness, greed, exploitation, jealousy, hatred, violence, enmity and cruelty, and fill our mind with positive and noble thoughts.

Little Masters, moral excellence protects the man who practices and protects it. If you in your heart cherish purity, sincerity, truthfulness, compassion and love, you can build around you a fortress and a strong fence. You will be protected on all sides from the attack of misfortunes and other man-made calamities. So, your elevating and noble thoughts coupled with good deeds, form a protective barrier and make your life secure and meaningful.                             

 Friends, we mould our own character and thereby our destiny by allowing our mind to dwell upon positive or negative thoughts. The person, who constantly sees and thinks of himself as unsuccessful in spite of his wealth or power, is dominated by negative thoughts and act negatively according to his thoughts. On the contrary, a person who thinks positively, remains happy and cheerful in every state and enjoys all works given to him. Sometimes, we see people prospering in spite of their wrong actions and evil deeds, but this is only a temporary phase. Sooner or later they are bound to suffer for their bad deeds. They always suffer from mental tension and fear. They loose their image and the time proves that they are wolves in the costumes of tigers, not tiger-the mighty one.

Future Stars, you, therefore have to develop positive thoughts. Your mind is a fertile soil in which weeds will grow in abundance if  the seeds of more desirable crops are not sown therein. So, be aware of your thoughts. They have the power to develop you or destroy you. You should make a person your ideal, who not only shows nobility in his speech, but also practices it in his action. Only by positive thoughts you can make your present  vigorous, peaceful and momentous, and your future will be bright, affluent and victorious.