Chaudhury Satya Das, Editor, Education & Awareness


Dear Children,

Pain is an unpleasant sensation occurring in various degrees as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder. It is a very realistic problem that many individuals face daily. Some people wear pain on the outside like a mask, and some hide them from the world. Undoubtedly, pain is one on the most feared apprehensions in the mind of humans.

Bright Stars, pain is quite noiseless. It makes human suffering a part of life’s existence. Human beings suffer from pain making no sound or with low moans or sometimes with tears. In reality, the true meaning of life lies in a state, in which pain is a part. Hence, we all know that pain is a part of life, and everyone has experienced it at one time in their lives. There are two dimensions of pain; the physical and the emotional pain. Physical pain is a sensation of pure discomfort. For example, while walking inside your house, if your toe stumps on a table leg, you simply sought in pain. Emotional pain is the most serious of all types of pain. It breaks one’s heart and makes his life miserable. Physical pain hurts at the time when they occur. Physical pain eventually goes away; but emotional hurt always remains under the surface. There are numbers of instances where people suffer from depression, frustration and mental disorder due to emotional pain. Some also resort to drastic measures, such as taking their own lives. Emotional pain, therefore, is a very difficult feeling to deal with. 

Nice Guys, you all should have to act in such ways for not  inviting  pain. From family to friend circle, from school to tuition, from playground to market places, everywhere there are chances of suffering from pain. You therefore, have to walk on right path. As a student, it must be your primary duty to make study your hobby, forgetting everything else. You should think big, aim high and act accordingly, in order to achieve greater success and make your life bright and prosperous. Hence, be disciplined, sincere, kindhearted, sympathetic, well-behaved and put your best efforts in study. Make good friends and remain away from bad guys. Always tell the truth and raise your voice against any type of evil. Don’t expect any wrong favour from your family members, friends and teachers. Develop positive attitudes and throw away jealousy from your mind. Eat  proper diet in order to remain active and healthy.  Be the true devotee of the Almighty, keep firm faith on Him, and you can get rid of both  emotional  and physical pain.